domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

"Vegas, baby!"

Anybody who knows me... wait, scratch that. Anybody who has talked to me more than 10 minutes knows that my #1 obsession and favorite place in the whole world is Las Vegas.

Now, why do we say "Vegas, baby" ? Explanation right here:

The expression came from an old TV commercial for an now defunct discount organization called "Players Club". In the commercial, a popular TV personality, Telly Savalis (he played a tough detective named "Kojak" on a TV show by the same name) and part of his pitch was to explain where the Players Club card could be used. He said, "Its Vegas, Baby". It was a play on an expression he always used as detective Kojak. He would often say, "Who loves ya, Baby?"So, a lot of people started saying it then and still say it today but few remember the origin of it.

Interesting, right? Well there you have it baby.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Butterfly effect

Now that we are on the subject of butterflies... WTH does "Butterfly effect" mean?

Found looong and detailed concepts, but this one is the best: short and simple,,,

"The phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago"

Butterflies in my stomach

We all have used this phrase more than once, but what does it mean?

What happens to us, phisically?

"Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" or "tickling" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach. Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline, when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. This in turn causes the stomach to temporarily shut down, possibly the reason for loss of appetite when one is "love sick". Butterflies in the stomach is most often experienced prior to important events, when stress is induced, but can be experienced in situations of impending danger."

Dog twins?

Can puppies be twins?

Yes, dog twins do exist, but it's hard to tell unless you are watching the birth and see them sharing the birth "sac". Sheep and cows which usually have one baby per pregnancy, can also have twins, my brother in law lost some of his calves this past winter because they were twins an therefor small and wearer than their single birth counter parts. I have seen many double yolked eggs which if fertilized would be twins(if they could survive being egg mates). Twins is not just a human occurrence, it is just not as readily noticed in the canine world as dogs generally have more than one baby per pregnancy.

-Yahoo answers

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Do you drink Joe?

Have a cup of joe... why? call coffee, joe? Well this was the best answer I cam across with...

The Word Detective ( ) is pretty much in agreement. WorldWideWords agrees with the Word Detective, who suggests that "joe" as slang for coffee might be derived from "Joe" as a synonym for "the common man," as in "regular joe." They do differ on whether "GI Joe" for enlisted men was in use at that ttime. Even if it wasn't, US citizens jhad been using "the common Joe" and other such phrases for a whle when the ft instance of joe for coffee is written.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

There's a shark in my soup

Love it so much.
Dont know if I get the real deal in my favorite local Chinnese restaurant (will ask next time).

Shark fin soup (or shark's fin soup) is a chinese soup that has been a popular item of
Chinese cuisine since the Ming Dynasty[1], usually served at special occasions such as weddings and banquets, or as a luxury item in Chinese culture
Genuine shark fin soup or stew is made with shark fins obtained from any of a variety of shark species. Raw shark fins are processed by first removing the skin, trimming them to shape, and thoroughly drying them

Shark fin soup may cause sterility in men due to mercury content.[31]
Because of its high mercury level, the FDA recommends pregnant women and young children avoid eating shark fins

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

I love French

So do you know what RSVP means?
Yes, its confirming that you are going to an event, blah, blah, blah.
I mean the actual inititals... no? well, here you go:
­R.S.V.P. stands for a French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous plaît," which means "please reply."

French is so sexy, isnt it? I am learning French, seriosuly. Give me a year.

Where is the talent?

Can i seriously have good fucking music again? Pleeeeease!
Where is my 90's rock?

RHCP, Marilyn Manson, Garbage, Beck (yes I said Beck), Green Day, Nine Inche Nails, Guns n Roses (the best band - ever!!!), STP, Offspring, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Aerosmith, etc.... aaaaarggh! I hate the music now, I feel like crying. Seriously.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Secundaria, Preparatoria

Once and for all.

Junior High School = Secundaria
Senior High School = Preparatoria


I had no idea these girls existed, until I saw them on a CSI: NY re-run

SuicideGirls is a website that features softcore pin-up-style photos and text profiles of goth, punk and indie-styled young women (although styles reminiscent of the 1940s and '50s pin-up models are also incorporated) who themselves are known as the "Suicide Girls". The site also functions as an online community with member profiles and message boards, and features interviews with major figures in both popular and alternative culture. Access to most of the site requires a paid membership.
And yes, I think they are hot - weird, but hot. And no I am not a les. Or bi for that matter.
Was wondering about Bungee jumping... how many people have reportedly died practicing it?
Well didnt find an exact number, only rumors. Wikianswers says: "As of 2008 2,300 world-wide deaths have been reported" -

Found articles:

And also found this vid: the guy didnt die though.

Would you bungee? Me? No thanks.

A little history for you fellas:

Bungee Jumping today is a modernised version of an ancient rite of manhood performed in the Pentecost Islands in the South Pacific. Young men jump from specially constructed bamboo towers with vines attached to their ankles to break their fall.

Modern day Bungee Jumping now utilises special purpose harnesses and very strong elastic cords. The world's first commercial Bungee Jump was opened in central New Zealand about a decade ago.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009


B & B means Bed & Breakfast
I was wondering what the hell R & R was... exactly. Found different versions:
  • Rest and Relaxation

  • Refuel and Refit

  • Remove and Replace

  • Rest and Recreation
I am sticking to the first one.

Heartbreak hotel

Just finished watching that movie with Ben Stiller in it: The Heartbreak Kid (man it blows), anyway was wondering what was the hotel it was filmed at.

Answer: Esperanza Hotel


Took the pic on my way home from work. Pathetic, really pathetic.

Oh, BTW, you will only 'get it' if you know spanish.