sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

The Law.

War against Al Qaeda, war bla war ble war bli war blo war blu.

Anyway, was wondering about the meaning of the words...

The word “Al-Qaeda” has two part; (i) Al and (ii) Qaeda. “Al” is just an article and it is same as “the” of English.

“Qaeda” is an Arabic and Urdu word. In Arabic, it means the base, the rule, law etc. In Urdu, it has the same meanings as Arabic; but in addition to them, it has some others meanings too. Other meanings of “Qaeda” in Urdu are “habit”, “the first book of alphabets”.

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010


I have seen that it is used before giving an example of what you are talking about, so I always assumed it was "in example" but nope, I was wrong. Like you probably are too.

i.e. stands for the Latin phrase "id est", meaning "that is". I'm responding to your question, i.e., I'm answering it.

Don't you just love it when you feel smarter? =)